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20-Minute Low-Impact HIIT Workout for Total-Body Strength

Challenge your muscles without pounding your joints.

You don’t need to run, jump, or do explosive movements to get an intense workout. Our newest Sweat With SELF video is proof: It’s a sweaty low-impact HIIT workout that will seriously work your muscles while still going gentle on your joints.

Led by Taylor and Justin Norris, cofounders of the LIT Method, the workout features nine low-impact bodyweight movements that together target your entire body. That includes major muscle groups like your legs, butt, shoulders, back, and core. The routine also delivers a good dose of cardio thanks to the HIIT format, which involves bursts of maximum effort work followed by short periods of rest. Because HIIT encourages all-out performance, it’s a great way amp up the difficulty of any movements—including, yes, low-impact ones. And yet one more perk of this routine: It finishes with stretching and foam rolling to massage tight muscles and kickstart your recovery.

Important note: Just because this is a low-impact HIIT workout doesn’t mean it is safe for everyone. If you’re injured or have joint pain, check in with a professional first. They can help you determine the best exercise plan for you and advise on whether a routine like this is a good idea.

If you are okay’d to do this sweaty workout, grab a mat, foam roller, and water bottle. Then, check out the video below, or keep scrolling to get detailed workout directions and GIFs of each move.

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