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WordPress 10 Best Project Management Plugins

Staying organized is one of the most important things you can do when running a business. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in. If you skip organization, your revenue will likely suffer. Fortunately, there are plenty of tools out there for addressing this problem, including WordPress project management plugins. With the right solution, you can keep your team on track without leaving WordPress.

In this post, we’ll introduce you to ten of the best WordPress project management plugins on the market. Each one has useful features, lots of positive user ratings, as well as updates and support from its developer.

Let’s get to it!

1. WP Project Manager

WP Project Manager

You can’t talk about WordPress project management plugins without mentioning WP Project Manager. This tool adds a full-featured project management system to your site’s dashboard. You can set up new projects, assign tasks to specific users, track how long it takes them to complete the work, and more:

Adding new tasks to the project manager

Tasks can have set deadlines, and members can launch project-specific discussions to keep each other in the loop. This plugin also lets you upload files for each task, set milestones, and much more.

WP Project Manager uses a module system that gives you control over what features you want to enable. For example, if you’d rather use Slack for communication instead of the built-in messaging boards, you can disable that module.

Key Features:

  • Launch new projects
  • Assign specific tasks and to-do lists to projects
  • Assign projects and tasks to specific members
  • Enable members to communicate using project-specific discussions
  • Upload files related to each project
  • Disable the plugin modules you don’t need

WP Project Manager is for you if…

…you want access to a full-featured project management system within WordPress. WP Project Manager offers enough features to compete against professional project management platforms, and it’s much cheaper. Therefore, if you’re part of a big team and you’re already using WordPress, this plugin can save you a lot of money.

Price: Free, with premium plans starting at $79 per year | More information

2. Upstream


UpStream is a project management plugin for WordPress that focuses on ease-of-use. It provides a project management back end that requires no coding knowledge to use effectively.

With UpStream, you can add new projects to your dashboard including milestones, target dates, and specific tasks. Projects also have specific sections for adding bugs as custom tasks. That makes this plugin perfect for tech-related projects:

Adding a bug to your task list

You can assign projects and tasks to specific team members. Moreover, the plugin also lets you categorize tasks by their urgency. Team members can also update their statuses when they’re done.

Key Features:

  • Add projects to your dashboard
  • Add tasks to each project
  • Set milestones and end dates for your projects
  • Assign team members to projects and tasks
  • Categorize tasks by urgency and update their statuses

UpStream is for you if…

…you’re looking for a no-frills WordPress project management plugin. UpStream is free to use, and it lets you manage both simple and complex projects. The plugin also offers a lot of premium add-ons. However, its free core functionality stands well on its own.

Price: Free, with premium extensions available | More Information

3. Project Panorama

Project Panorama

Next up, Project Panorama stands out because of the sleek interface and the client/admin dashboard available on the front end. This plugin automatically keeps track of progress for each project as members update tasks, and it also enables clients to stay informed:

Along with assigning tasks to specific team members, you can also set due dates and add documentation to each project. You can create multiple teams, with each one tackling specific tasks. Project Panorama also gives you access to a project calendar. Therefore, you can get a quick overview of all the tasks in your docket.

Key Features:

  • Get access to a project calendar
  • Add projects to your docket
  • Set up tasks and milestones for each project
  • Automatically update project progress as you complete tasks
  • Create multiple teams with different members
  • Communicate using discussion threads for each project

Project Panorama is for you if…

…you want to use a WordPress project management plugin that enables you to keep clients informed about their projects. Project Panorama lets clients check in on a specific project’s progress any time they want, so you don’t have to send update emails every day.

Price: Plans start at $69 per year | More information

4. SP Project & Document Manager

Smarty Pants

SP Project & Document Manager is all about file and document management. You can use this plugin to transform your WordPress website into a remote file storage solution for your business, with folders for each individual project.

Its standout feature is a front-end file uploader that team members can use without logging into the dashboard. This means you can use SP Project & Document Manager to easily share files with coworkers and clients. The plugin also lets you assign specific folders and documents to users, limiting access as needed.

Key Features:

  • Create dedicated project folders for file storage
  • Enable users to upload files to dedicated folders through the dashboard or the front end
  • Share access to files or folders with specific users

SP Project & Document Manager is for you if…

…you’re already using a project management solution that lets you keep track of projects and tasks. However, you need a more organized platform for file storage. SP Project & Document Manager lets you transform your website into a cloud storage solution that’s perfect for collaborating on large projects.

Price: Free, with premium licenses starting at $75 | More Information

5. Projectopia


Projectopia is the top-selling project management plugin on CodeCanyon. You can use this tool to manage projects through the dashboard. You can also give clients access to their own areas where they can monitor progress on their commissions:

The Projectopia client dashboard

This plugin also enables you to offer clients quotes and estimates within the system. Customers can even use their dashboards to submit support tickets, and you can assign team members to take care of them.

You can use Projectopia to set up as many projects as you want, assign specific roles to team members, and set milestones. Finally, the plugin also comes with built-in payment processing functionality. This makes it a great all-around option.

Key Features:

  • Create projects
  • Set milestones and timed tasks
  • Assign specific roles and tasks to team members
  • Give clients access to their own dashboards
  • Provide clients with quotes and invoices, and process payments
  • Enable clients to submit support tickets

Projectopia is for you if…

…you want a WordPress project management plugin that offers a powerful client dashboard and built-in payment processing functionality.

Price: Licenses start at $39 for one year | More information

6. Software Issue Manager

Software Issue Manager

Software Issue Tracker is a specialized WordPress project management plugin that’s designed for developers. It lets you track projects by version, assign them priorities, and update their statuses. You can also use it to manage bugs for specific browsers and Operating Systems (OSs):

Tracking a new bug using a plugin

That combination of features makes this a fantastic solution for managing software development projects. However, it’s a bit lacking when it comes to collaborative features.

Key Features: 

  • Track software projects using WordPress
  • Categorize bugs according to OS and browser
  • Manage bug resolution

Software Issue Tracker is for you if…

…you want to use WordPress to manage software development projects. If you’re working on other types of projects, however, you’ll want to use a different plugin.

Price: Free, with premium licenses starting at $149.99 per year | More information

7. Kanban Boards for WordPress

Kanban Boards for WordPress

Kanban Boards for WordPress is one of the simplest and most powerful WordPress project management plugins available. Using Kanban boards is a great way to manage nearly anything you have to keep track of. You can set up boards for project management, editorial calendars, sales pipelines, and even custom use cases:

Setting up a Kanban board

With a Kanban board, you can also track how long it takes you to complete projects and specific tasks. The plugin lets you see updates in real time as other team members finish their own tasks. Therefore, you’ll know where each project stands at any time.

Key Features:

  • Set up a Kanban board for project management
  • Add projects and tasks to the board
  • Set time estimates for each task
  • Track how long it takes you to complete work

Kanban Board is for you if…

…you’re already a fan of Kanban. If you’ve used this platform in the past, you’ll have no problem jumping in with Kanban Boards for WordPress. Otherwise, keep in mind that there’s a learning process involved as you adopt the Kanban system.

Price: Free, with premium licenses starting at $149 per year | More Information

8. Zephyr Project Manager

Zephyr Project Manager

If you have a lot going on, Zephyr Project Manager lets you set up projects and add as many tasks as you need to each of them. You can also assign team members to specific projects or tasks, and anyone can comment on ongoing projects:

Creating a project in Zephyr

This WordPress project management plugin lets you upload files to projects, monitor progress, and more. You’ll also get to use a project calendar, and you can decide which WordPress users get access to management functionality.

Key Features:

  • Add projects to WordPress
  • Set up tasks for specific projects
  • Enable team members to leave comments in projects
  • Get access to a project calendar
  • Decide which users get access to project management features

Zephyr Project Manager is for you if…

…you want to use a project management tool with a sleek, user-friendly interface. Zephyr Project Manager also offers all the features that medium or large teams need within its free version, which makes it one of our top picks.

Price: Free, with premium licenses starting at $69 for a lifetime license | More Information

9. Business Manager

WordPress Project Management

Business Manager doubles as a WordPress project management plugin and a Human Resources (HR) solution. You can use this plugin to keep track of projects, employees, and clients. It lets you store key information such as client addresses, available hours, tax ID numbers, and much more:

WordPress Project Management

By using this tool, you can keep track of project deadlines, add tasks to each entry, and assign work to specific team members. The plugin also lets you add project notes and files to keep everything organized.

Key Features:

  • Manage projects, employees, and clients
  • Store critical client and employee information in WordPress
  • Keep track of project deadlines
  • Add tasks to each project and assign them priority levels
  • Add project notes

Business Manager is for you if…

…you want a WordPress project management plugin that also lets you keep track of critical client and employee information.

Price: Free, with premium add-ons starting at $29 | More Information

10. PublishPress Editorial Calendar

WordPress Project Management

There’s a whole suite of PublishPress plugins, and all of them are focused on helping you manage complex editorial calendars. For example, PublishPress Editorial Calendar is a fantastic project management plugin for WordPress content. If you run a multi-author website or publish content regularly, you can use a customizable calendar to help you manage those tasks:

WordPress Project Management

Ideally, you should be planning content for your blog in advance. With a content calendar, you can ensure that all of your writers know what’s on their schedules well ahead of time.

Key Features:

  • Use a content calendar to schedule posts in advance
  • Assign upcoming posts to specific authors
  • Let authors know what content is on their schedule

PublishPress Editorial Calendar is for you if…

…you run a WordPress blog and want to schedule content in advance. Having an editorial calendar is a lifesaver, so you should definitely try it out.

Price: Free, with premium licenses starting at $99 per year | More Information


If you’ve used project management software in the past, you’ll likely be surprised at how well some of these plugins compare against professional platforms. When you’re already using WordPress, a project management plugin can help you work on many tasks without leaving your dashboard.

If you’re still not sure what project management plugin to use, you can’t go wrong with WP Project Manager or Zephyr Project ManagerBusiness Manager is also a fantastic option if you also need access to human resources and client management tools.


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