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Most people drink coffee in the morning to boost their energy and get over the mid-afternoon slump. However, it turns out that your daily cup of coffee does more for your body than you might think—it also supports your liver health. This is welcome news for coffee lovers. Data suggests that more than two million people suffer from liver diseases around the world, and this can come as a good news that coffee is not a risk factor when it comes to your liver. If you are still not sure about the benefits of coffee for your liver health, let’s find out.
Benefits of coffee: Is it beneficial for your liver health?
Coffee is one of the most raved-about beverages in the world. While drinking too much caffeine is not good for your health, consuming it in moderation can be good for your liver health. A study published in the Journal of BMC Public Health spells good news about drinking coffee for liver health. The study included 5,00,000 people and found that drinking coffee can significantly lower the risk of developing liver disease. The study found that the benefits of coffee are plenty and you can have decaffeinated, instant and ground coffee to curb the risk of liver disease such as fatty liver disease and liver cancer.

Know the benefits of coffee for liver health
1. Contains essential vitamins and minerals
As long as coffe e is taken without refined sugar and milk, it can work wonders for your body, especially for your liver if consumed in moderation (1 to 2 cups daily). In fact, a 240-ml cup of black coffee without sugar is packed with vitamins, antioxidants and minerals like vitamin B12, vitamin B5, vitamin B1, vitamin B3, folate, manganese, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorous, says nutritionist Avni Kaul.
2. Reduces non-alcoholic fatty liver risk
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease occurs when there is extra build-up of fat in liver cells. It mostly affects people who are overweight, have diabetes or have high cholesterol levels. If left unattended, it can aggravate more chronic conditions like cirrhosis or scarring of the liver. This scarring can lead to liver failure or liver cancer.
While coffee is not a saviour, it can be a good addition to your diet for a healthy liver. Coffe e contains more than 1000 chemicals, and when we digest caffeine, our body produces a chemical called paraxanthine, which slows the growth of the scar tissue involved in fibrosis. Paraxanthine may also slow down the conditions of liver cirrhosis, Hepatitis B and C and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, tells the expert.
3. Reduces inflammation
One of the benefits of coffe e is that it contains two diterpenes, Cafestol and kahweol, which are extracted from coffee beans. As per a study published in International Journal of Molecular Sciences, these two metabolites may reduce inflammation and help reduce the risk of liver diseases. There are acids present inside coffee that might work against the virus that is responsible for hepatitis B, adds the expert.
How much coffee should you drink?
Benefits of coff ee go beyond your liver health, but that does not mean you can have it in abundance. It is important to know the right amount of coffee. A study published in the Journal of BCM Public Health Journal finds that having at least three to four cups of coffee, even decaffeinated, every day can help mitigate the risk of liver problems. While people with liver disease can check with their doctor if they want to drink more coffee, the expert says it is not harmful but beneficial for people with liver conditions such as hepatitis or fatty liver disease. However, it is important to check with your healthcare provider to know the exact amount of caffeine you can have in a day.

Keep this in mind while drinking cof fee
We agree on the benefits of cof fee for liver health, but not everyone’s body can handle a huge amount of coffee. It can trigger or aggravate issues like headaches, sleep disorders, anxiety, or jitters in some people.
Excess coffee can also be dangerous for people with irregular heart rates or other heart problems. Coffee can also lead to issues if you suffer from lung cancer. Drinking black coffe e is the best way to consume coffe e for a healthy liver. It is best to consume coffee by skipping the cream and sugar. Since people suffering from fatty liver disease often suffer from issues like diabetes and obesity, so omitting adding extra sugar and fat to your coffee can benefit you in the long run. You can also add skim milk or plant-based milk and refrain from using cream. You may also swap sugar for artificial sweeteners.
How to keep your liver healthy?
While there are many benefits of coffee for your liver health, there are other necessary lifestyle modifications that can help you keep your liver healthy:
- Get yourself vaccinated against hepatitis A and hepatitis B, for they both damage the liver.
- Go easy on your alcohol intake, for it can cause permanent damage to the liver and lead to cirrhosis.
- The liver is the first organ to metabolize the foods we consume. So, eating sugary or high-saturated foods can lead to fatty liver disease.
- Indulge in regular workouts daily.
- Foods like oatmeal, garlic, berries, grapes, grapefruit, and prickly pear are good for your liver. So, increase their intake.
While these ways may help you keep your liver healthy, regular check ups are important to keep a tab on your overall health. Also, always consult your doctor before making any changes to your lifestyle.