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What is microneedling? An expert weighs in on the anti-aging treatment

Everything you wanted to know about microneedling for anti-aging.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Contact a qualified medical professional before engaging in any physical activity, or making any changes to your diet, medication or lifestyle.

If you’re like me, my years long struggle with acne has led me to constantly researching new skincare tips and procedures to improve my skin long-term.

Microneedling happens to be one of the treatments I recently started looking into, as it’s become a popular choice in recent years for targeting skincare and anti-aging concerns. I wanted to dig deeper into the skincare trend, so I got in touch with Dr. Julia Carroll, a board-certified dermatologist, to learn more about the microneedling process and its pros and cons.

What is microneedling?

Microneedling is a treatment that can be used all over the body to treat hyperpigmentation, scarring and stretch marks.

While microneedling itself is a generic term referring to tiny needles that puncture the skin to induce collagen production, there is also a newer, more advanced procedure called radiofrequency microneedling. It combines tiny needles with radiofrequency energy to target problem areas or overall skin.

Beautiful senior woman at the spa getting a rejuvenation treatment on her face - beauty concepts
Microneedling can help with visible signs of aging such as pigmentation, broken capillaries, scarring, sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles. (Getty Images)

Microneedling anti-aging benefits

While increasing collagen production, thus leading to firmer skin is a huge benefit, microneedling can also help with visible signs of aging such as pigmentation, broken capillaries, scarring, sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles.

“Though microneedling alone can provide a noticeable improvement in your skin, adding radiofrequency to it creates more impressive and longer lasting results,” stated Carroll. “Radiofrequency boosts the effectiveness of microneedling by delivering controlled heat energy directly to the dermis to target collagen more directly.”

It’s a treatment that Carroll recommends for anti-aging, since it stimulates collagen production and targets skin laxity, leading to tighter, younger-looking skin.

“In my opinion, [radiofrequency microneedling] is much more effective with respect to colour, collagen production, hyperpigmentation, melasma, scarring and acne,” said Carroll.

Should you try microneedling?

The treatment often has little to no downtime, and unlike certain procedures such as a laser, microneedling can be performed during any season. However, Carroll doesn’t recommend the treatment for anyone who currently has a tan, so being protected from the sun before and after treatment is essential to recovery.

Always make sure to speak to your dermatologist or general physician to ensure microneedling is the right treatment for you.

Amp up your skincare at home

While microneedling treatments are best left to the professionals, there are things you can do at home to keep your skin looking its best afterwards.

Carroll recommends hydrating serums and moisturizers with ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, peptides, and ceramides. Active ingredients that should be avoided are retinol, alpha and beta hydroxy acids, vitamin C, and other exfoliants that could be harsh on the skin.


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